
“Looking Forward” Join us at the ITI Congress UK and Ireland 2025

21 Mar
22 Mar

Millenium Point, Birmingham

From £349 for ITI members

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From Last Year’s Event

Day 1 – Friday 21st March


Registration – Young ITI Programme


Farooq Ahmed

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Orthodontic considerations for implant space creation

☕️ Coffee


Emanuele Cicero

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Complete mouth rehabilitation when combining implant and tooth supported restorations: An individualised approach

Ernest Lucas-Taule

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Implants in the Aesthetic Area: A Decision-Making Process

🍽️ Lunch


Raj Patel


Charlotte Stilwell (UK)

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ITI International update

Prof Shakeel Shahdad (UK)

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Optimising Pink Aesthetics with Tissue Level Implants: Strategies for Minimizing Morbidity

Prof Murali Srinivasan

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Removable Full Arch Implant Restorations- Key Factors for Long term success

☕️ Coffee


Prof Michael Bornstein (Swi)

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What is the present and future impact of AI in dental medicine and oral implantology?

Panel Discussion / Q&A



Friday Evening

🎉 Straumann Party

Agenda vector

Day 2 – Saturday 22nd March

Prav Solanki


Prav Solanki

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Implant consultations for the edentulous patient

Ramona Buser (Swi)

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Future of Ageing Population and Implant Restorations

Dr Elizabeth King

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Educating the Next Generation of Implant Dentists



☕️ Coffee

Ioannis Papadopoulos

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Moderator – Winners of the ITI World Series

David Palombo (Ita)

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Mucogingival treatment of malpositioned implants with hard and soft tissue deficiencies

Mario Romandini (Ita)

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When to remove or keep an implant affected by peri-implantitis

Vincent Donker (Ndl)

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Translation of conventional era to new digital technologies

Panel Discussion with ITI World Series winners


🍽️ Lunch

Hassan Maghaireh

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Rupert Monkhouse & Dean Ward

Digital Developments with Implant Overdentures

Ricardo Kern (Bra)

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Aesthetic Muco Deficient Implants Workflow of Treatment

☕️ Coffee


Ricardo Kern (Bra)

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Aesthetic Muco Deficient Implants Workflow of Treatment Part 2



Congress Ends

Agenda vector

Event Speakers

Vincent Donker DMD PhD Candidate

Translation of conventional era to new digital technologies

Vincent Donker studied dentistry at the University of Groningen. During his studies, he was a board member of the dental faculty student association and was student assistant at the Department of Implant Dentistry. He graduated as a dentist in 2020 and in that same year started PhD research on the subject of digital innovations in implant dentistry, combined with working as a general dentist in private practice. Vincent is a member of several scientific associations in the fields of implant dentistry, restorative dentistry and aesthetic dentistry.

Professor Shakeel Shahdad

Optimising Pink Aesthetics with Tissue Level Implants: Strategies for Minimizing Morbidity

Shakeel Shahdad is a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, and Hon. Clinical Professor in Oral Rehabilitation & Implantology at The Royal London Dental Hospital, and Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. He is the Clinical Lead for Restorative Dentistry, Lead for postgraduate implant training and Chairman of ITI Scholarship Centre at QMUL. He is a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology.  He has been the past Chairman of the Advisory Board in Implant Dentistry for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the ITI UK & Ireland Section. 


Prof Michael Bornstein

What is the present and future impact of AI in dental medicine and oral implantology?

Michael Bornstein has been appointed in January 2020 as professor and chair of the Departement of Oral Health & Medicine at the University Center for Dental Medicine Basel (UZB) of the University of Basel, Switzerland. Since April 2020 he is also head of “research” and member of the executive board at the UZB. He obtained his dental degree (1998) and thesis (Dr. med. dent., 2001) at the University of Basel. He continued with a specialisation in oral surgery and stomatology in Basel (1998-1999, Prof. Dr. Dr. J. Th. Lambrecht) and Bern (2000-2002, Prof. Dr. D. Buser). In 2004, he was visiting assistant professor at the Department of Periodontics (Prof. Dr. D. Cochran) at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, USA, with a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation. From 2007-2014 he was head of the Section of Dental Radiology and Stomatology, University of Bern. In 2009, he obtained the Habilitation (Privatdozent / PhD) and in 2014 he became Asscociate Professor in the field of  Oral Surgery and Stomatology“.

Dr. Ramona Buser

Future of Implant Restorations in an Ageing Population

Dr. Ramona Buser is a specialist in Prosthodontics, working as a senior lecturer at the University of Bern. She graduated in 2008 at the University of Bern and received her doctor’s degree 2013. After her postgraduate training in Prosthodontics with Prof. Urs Belser, Prof. Frauke Müller and Prof. Irena Sailer at the University of Geneva (2011-2015), Ramona Buser returned as a senior lecturer to the Department of Reconstructive Dentistry and Gerodontology at the University of Bern, Switzerland.
With her team she is active in pre-clinical and clinical research in the fields of reconstructive dentistry, implant prosthodontics, and gerodontology and has spent one year doing research in material sciences at the Department of Prosthodontics at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Munich (2019-2020). She is an ITI Fellow since 2019.

Ricardo Kern

Aesthetic Muco Deficient Implants Workflow of Treatment – Focus on Papilla Reconstruction

Firmly entrenched within the high aesthetic requirements of Brazilian dentistry, I am focusing my work on the demanding disciplines of soft tissue design and reconstruction.Vast experience in immediate implant placement with temporization, from a single tooth to full arch rehabilitation. I Have been invited to lecture and perform training courses about soft tissue (design, preservation, and reconstruction) on several post-graduation courses as well as congress and seminars from Latin America to overseas.


Prav Solanki

Implant consultations for the edentulous patient

Marketing scientist and practice owner Prav Solanki builds systems, processes and marketing campaigns centred around the end-to-end patient journey. He is a co-director of IAS Academy and CEO of The Fresh dental marketing and growth consultancy. His latest project is Leadflo®, which uses machine-learning algorithms for conversion-driven, patient-centric lead management.

Charlotte Stilwell

ITI International update

Charlotte Stilwell is a specialist prosthodontist in private practice in Harley Street, London. She trained at the Royal Dental College in Copenhagen, Denmark followed by post-graduate training and part-time lecturer post at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry and nine years in general practice. Charlotte Stilwell is currently president of the ITI International Team for Implantology, senior lecturer at University Clinic of Dentistry, Geneva and an examiner for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.

Prof. Mario Romandini

To Remove or to Treat an Implant Affected by Peri-Implantitis – That Is the Question!

Clinician, academician and researcher. Prof. Mario Romandini is Full Professor in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. Previously, he held the role of Associate Professor and EFP-accredited Program Co-Director at the University of Oslo. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Periodontal Research and is an Editorial Board member of Clinical Oral Implants Research and the Journal of Clinical Periodontology. Prof. Romandini has authored over 60 publications in top-ranked journals.He is Congress Committee member of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO), Fellow of International Team for Implantology (ITI), and Active Member of the Italian Society of Periodontology (SIdP).

Rupert Monkhouse

Digital Developments with Implant Overdentures

Rupert graduated from KCL in 2017 and has since returned to undertake the MClinDent in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics from 2023-27. Rupert has been involved with the ITI since 2019, first as an ambassador for the Young ITI before serving on the Young ITI committee, Rupert is also a co-study club director and Fellow of the ITI. With a keen interest in removable prosthodontics, Rupert speaks regularly and runs courses on primary impressions and digital dentures, alongside Dean Ward. Rupert is a Key Opinion Leader for Ivoclar and a Beta Tester for 3Shape.

Dean Ward

Digital Developments with Implant Overdentures

Clinical Dental Technician
Director of Innovate dental lab.
Ivoclar Kol, Clinical and technical Bps trainer.
Keen interest in full arch immediate loading
Over 500 cases loaded.

David Palombo

Mucogingival treatment of malpositioned implants with hard and soft tissue deficiencies

Dr. David Palombo is a Board-Certified Specialist in Periodontology and Implants, renowned for his expertise in microsurgical techniques and peri-implant disease management. He holds a Master of Sciences in Periodontology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where he is also a PhD candidate. His research focuses on tissue regeneration and peri-implant biology, comparing healing around implants with different transmucosal profiles. Dr. Palombo has completed externships at top institutions including Harvard and UCLA, and he lectures internationally while advancing research in periodontal microsurgery.

Ioannis Papadopoulos

Moderator – Winners of the ITI World Series

Dr. Ioannis Papadopoulos is a GDC-registered Specialist in Prosthodontics with extensive experience in fixed and removable prosthodontics, implant dentistry, and dental aesthetics. After graduating from the Dental School of Athens, he completed his Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (DClinDent) with Distinction at Queen Mary University of London. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and the ITI, a Clinical Lecturer at Queen Mary University, and an examiner for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Dr. Papadopoulos regularly publishes in peer-reviewed journals and speaks at international conferences.

Hassan Maghaireh


Dr Maghaireh is the principal dentist of The Leeds Dental Implant & Cosmetic Clinic. He is heavily involved in implants continual education as he is the Head of Scientific Committee of the British Academy of Implant & Restorative Dentistry (BAIRD). He is an ITI Fellow, ITI Speaker and ITI Study Club Director, Leeds. He has published many dental implant systematic reviews and random controlled clinical trials with special emphasis on soft and bone tissue management in the aesthetic zone. He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Clinical Trials and a co-author at Cochrane collaboration.

Prof Murali Srinivasan

Removable Full Arch Implant Restorations- Key Factors for Long term success

Dr. Med. Dent., BDS, MDS (Prosthodontics), MBA, MAS (Reconstructive Dentistry) University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. Prof. Dr. Murali Srinivasan is the Director of the Center of Dental Medicine at the University of Zurich. He is also the chair of the Clinic of General-, Special care-, and Geriatric Dentistry. Professor Srinivasan has received many awards in the field of prosthodontic and geriatric research. He has served formerly as the president of the European College of Gerodontology. Currently, he serves on the board of the Swiss Society of the Geriatric and Special care dentistry and was recently elected as the Vice-President of the Geriatric Oral Research Group of the International Association of Dental Research (IADR-GORG). Prof. Srinivasan’s current focus is on the clinical applications of CAD/CAM technology in removable prosthodontics and geriatric dentistry.

Dr Elizabeth King

Educating the Next Generation of Implant Dentists

Elizabeth King is a Specialist in Restorative Dentistry practicing in Bristol and Bath. She balances her time between her roles as Consultant Senior Lecturer for the University of Bristol, Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at the Royal United Hospitals Bath and private dental practitioner in Bath. One her of her main roles is Programme Director of the Dental Implantology MSc at the University of Bristol Dental School. She completed her specialist training in South Wales which encompassed periodontology, endodontology, prosthodontics and dental implants along with multi-disciplinary management of head and neck oncology, cleft lip and palate, hypodontia and dental trauma. Her main areas of clinical interest are hypodontia, tooth wear, dental implants and fixed and removable prosthodontics. Her real passion is dental education, from day-to-day teaching up to strategic planning and implementation. She is a proud parent of two young children who keep her busy outside of work.

Ernest Lucas-Taule

Implants in the Aesthetic Area: A Decision-Making Process

Dr. Ernest Lucas-Taule is an Assistant Lecturer in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department at UIC Barcelona and a specialist in implant dentistry and oral surgery. He earned his Dentistry Degree, International Master in Oral Surgery, and Master’s in Clinical Research from UIC Barcelona before completing his PhD with the highest distinction, Cum Laude. In addition to his academic role, he practices implant dentistry and oral surgery in the United Kingdom. As a co-author of scientific papers in implant dentistry and tooth autotransplantation, he actively contributes to research in the field. An internationally recognized speaker, Dr. Lucas-Taule lectures worldwide on advanced topics in implant dentistry and surgical techniques.

Farooq Ahmed

Orthodontic Considerations for Implant Space Creation

Farooq is a consultant orthodontist at Guy’s Hospital, Northwick Park Hospital and specialist orthodontist in private practice in London. He received his BDS with honours from the University of Manchester in 2009, and embarked on speciality training in 2012 – 2015 at the University of Manchester Dental Hospital. He achieved his Membership in Orthodontics from the Royal College of Surgeons England 2015 and was awarded the J.K Williams Gold Medal. Farooq continued his education with post-CCST training at The Royal London Dental Hospital and Northwick Park Hospital from 2015-2018. He was appointed consultant at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Northwick Park Hospital in 2018. He has worked in private practice from 2015 in Crouch End, North London. He has lectured on aligners, hypodontia, orthognathic surgery and digital orthodontics and has had 18 peer review publications. His educational endeavours and being a glutton for punishment, has led him to create an orthodontic podcast and blog, which aims to provide a summary of key information, reviews and research to clinicians. Farooq is a committee member of the British Orthodontic Society’s Clinical Governance Group. He is an editorial board member of the seminars in orthodontics journal. He is a subeditor for the Journal of Orthodontics.

Emanuele Cicero

Complete mouth rehabilitation when combining implant and tooth supported restorations: An individualised approach

Dr. Emanuele Cicero is a Former Assistant Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. He is a specialist in Prosthodontics and completed his three year Post-doctoral advanced education training in Prosthodontics at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine (TUSDM). Upon completion of his specialty training, in recognition of his academic accomplishments, he had the honor of being selected as a full-time faculty member and appointed Assistant Professor at Tufts University were he contributed to evolving comprehensive dental education that integrates science, technology, patient needs, and lifelong learning in a world-class environment. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry. Dr. Emanuele Cicero lectures nationally and internationally. A internationally respected clinician and lecturer, Dr. Emanuele Cicero’s main focus within teaching, research and clinical practice is complete mouth rehabilitation in fixed prosthodontics and dentofacial esthetics as well as the implementation of digital technologies in both reconstructive and multidisciplinary dentistry. He has practiced his profession in Italy, Spain, Brazil, and in the U.S.A. Dr. Emanuele Cicero limits his practice to Prosthodontics in his multispecialty practices ‘Clinicacicero’ in Italy and London. Dr. Emanuele Cicero is an active member of The American College of Prosthodontics as well as other international professional organizations.


“Looking Forward” Secure Your Place Now

21 Mar
22 Mar

Millenium Point, Birmingham

From £349 for ITI members

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